New Novenodi excursions in San Vito Lo Capo website
New Novenodi excursions in San Vito Lo Capo website


Boat excursions

New Novenodi excursions in San Vito Lo Capo website


New Novenodi excursions in San Vito Lo Capo website

As of today, Novenodi boat excursions in San Vito Lo Capo new website is even richer and full of pleasant surprises.
In addition to the new graphics, some interesting sections have been added in order to help visitors to our site discover who we are and what we do.
For example, the new section “media” includes our photogallery, press releases and all the latest news about us and our excursions.

We hope you will appreciate and enjoy visiting our new website.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us through our "contacts" page.


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New Novenodi excursions in San Vito Lo Capo website

New Novenodi excursions in San Vito Lo Capo website

As of today, Novenodi boat excursions in San Vito Lo Capo new website is even richer and full of pleasant surprises. In addition to the new graphics, ...




Opinions and reviews


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Opinions and reviews


“Grazie Rino per la bella giornata che ci hai fatto trascorrere!”


“Rino è molto gentile e disponibile. Io e la mia famiglia ci siamo divertiti molto.”


“Una bellissima giornata in barca alla scoperta di spiagge bellissime e mare blu. Consigliato!”


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Novenodi - Escursioni in barca a San Vito Lo Capo

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Diporto Nautico Sanvitese
Via Faro 22, San Vito Lo Capo

telefono +39 327 53.41.185


Miceli Gaspare - MCLGPR74C24D423E - Via Piersanti Mattarella, 22 91010 San Vito Lo Capo - Progetto finanziato con INVITALIA - Resto al Sud - RSUD 0031292 - CUP C86I22003040008
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